The Sabha is providing hostel facility for more than 140 students pursuing their education with good food and other amenities with affordable charges.
- Every year, scholarships are given to deserving students who want to continue their studies. Sabha, receives voluntary contribution from willing donors to fund the scholarship to poor students. Loan scholarships are also given to students to study professional courses. Funds for these activities are from the donations received, memorial funds created by the members of the Sabha.
- The spacious community hall of the Sabha, with facilities for cooking food, dining place is being used extensively by its members for their family functions. It is also being used for various cultural and religious purposes. The hall is located in the heart of the city and is being used by general public also.
- Sabha has installed a 30 KV roof top Solar Power Generating Unit at a cost of Rs.30.40 lacs. The power generated is used in the community hall of the Sabha and the surplus is supplied to MESCOM’s grid.
- The Sabha has also started a Senior Citizen Home, working women and girls hostel and also working men and boys hostel at “Shiva Sadana” at Mura, Kabaka Village, Puttur, D K district.