Download Address list
To down load the address book, please obtain, one time password from one of the following Committee Members:
Mr. Udaya Kumar Rao, Mangaluru, (M) +91 94803 28030
Mr. Manish Rao, Mangaluru, (M) +91 94487 26499
Mr. Raghuveer Rao, Perdoor, (M) +91 98450 84052
Members of our community can download the address list from our website. Local addresses (Mangaluru) are being updated regularly. The website contains address of our community members residing at Bangalore, Mysore, Udupi etc., also.
To prevent misuse of data, the address list will be provided only after receiving an email request from the member, with their address and contact numbers and access to the site, will be with one time password, which will be sent to their email, sms or through whatsapp.